Monday, March 1, 2010

the battle

If you ever had to lose weight you know it's not easy. Well I feel officially defeated! This is nuts. I feel like crap, every day I feel my heart racing and then slow up. What is that about? So guess what, i guess today has to be the first day of the rest of my life AGAIN!

I weighed myself this morning and it's 253.5. I became that person, the person I stare at and say, "when the scale hit 200 wasn't that a sign?" or "when the scale hit 225 wasn't that a sign?" or even better "when the scale hit 250 wasn't that a sign?" I guess it's all relative. Looking and being judgmental is easy.

So here i sit at 7:16am knowing i have 39 days left until I go on a family beach vacation. If nothing else I here promise to: post every day and write something - how my day was, my mood, what I ate, I'll post the receipt with my critique, I'll be honest and confess if I exercised and how much. OK here goes nothing AGAIN!

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