Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So good, so far

I know, I know, it's only day 3, but in my defense I usually suck at "life changes", I start to feel bad for myself and all depressed. Not so much this time. I guess cause the I have been doing my own thing and it's not so bad. If I was a diabetic, I would have no choice.

I got a message from the doctor and his exact words were "if you haven't already, it's extremely important that you start the GL diet". Well, I guess the results weren't that great. But at least he didn't say - Yvette, you're dieing, rush to a hospital"

I weighed myself this moring and the scale said 250.5 - that's 4.5lbs in 2 days... Can I just say I can not believe I let myself get over 225. What was I thinking? Someone should have slapped me. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry how long it will take to get the weight off, but that's because they are not me. They are not the ones with over 125lbs to lose. So ridiculous. ok enough about that, lets move one and start day .

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